Does money control you?
The short answer is yes. But why? This article will go into what money is and how it is used to control us. Once you know what to look for, it becomes incredibly easy to spot how money controls our choices, and thus our lives. The article will also go into the steps we can take to escape money’s control.
Money’s control is a prison.
I guarantee you that there is a way to escape from money’s prison. This website is designed to aid you in your quest for freedom. Everything you read in this website comes from my personal experience and research. I apply everything I write about.
I am on a personal quest to escape from money’s hold over my life. Some days I am more successful than others. But overwhelmingly, over the last few years, I have gradually been moving towards a state of freedom. This website shares what I’ve learned with you.
So let’s get to it.
First: What Is Money?
Money is a technology. It’s an incredibly useful one, but a technology nonetheless. It’s a tool. Like with any tool, money is neither good nor bad, what matters how we use it.
Money is material trust. Money has no intrinsic value, it can be a shell, a grain or a bit of precious metal. It only has value because we, the people using it, perceive it as valuable. We trust that money is valuable.
This trust we have in money allows us to enter into agreements with anyone. We can buy and sell products or services from people whom we don’t know personally. Since money is material trust, we can enter into these agreements trusting that we will receive the money or product/service agreed upon by both parties in a deal.

You can be anywhere in the world, as long as you have money you can trust that you will be able to find what you need, when you need it.
Money is a powerful technology.
Almost everyone alive uses money. Unless you live in a hunter-gatherer tribe in the middle of the Amazon’s, the African Savannah or the Australian outback, you regularly use it. For all intents and purposes, money is a ubiquitous technology; it’s embedded in very facet of our lives, there is no way to avoid using it.
Do you know where money came from?
A Brief History Of Money
Before the invention of money, the system of trust was based on barter. Parties would enter into agreements with each other and would use commodities (livestock, manufactured products, food) as means of exchange.
But as communities became larger and economies increased in complexity, the system of barter could not serve as a convenient means of exchange. Imagine entering into an agreement with someone and agreeing to pay 500 kg of barley in exchange for a good/service. Storing and transporting the barley would be a monumental task. It was inconvenient.

So we invented money. And the best money was made from precious metals; particularly gold and silver.
Gold and silver have a set of characteristics which made them the ideal form of money. They are:
- Scarce – so gold and silver can’t just be picked up off the ground in large amounts.
- Divisible – You can’t divide a cow in half, but you can divide a gold or silver coin.
- Fungible – One gold coin of the same size and purity is worth the same as another gold coin of equal size and purity.
- Durable – Gold and silver are chemically inert, they do not expire or decay with time and they’re hard, so they can be carried around in sacks and pockets without being damaged.
- Retain value – You could bury a gold coin and it’s equal value in dollars side by side. In 100 years you could dig them up; the gold will have retained its value, the dollars would have lost value due to inflation.
- Finite – The amount of gold and silver on Earth is a constant. There is no more of it being made.
Precious metals were used as money for a while. But eventually, they too were replaced, with paper promissory notes. So instead of having to carry heavy amounts of gold /silver, a person could deposit his/her gold at a goldsmith (later banks) and receive a promissory note indicating the amount of gold/silver the person had deposited. The person with the promissory note could then be payed the indicated amount of gold/silver on demand from any individual/group which stored gold/silver money and who recognized the promissory note.
These promissory notes facilitated exchange. Today they are known as currency.
It was a good system, in theory. But in practice it enabled (and continues to enable to this day) the manipulation of the monetary system by the institutions who issue the promissory notes. Those are the banks of today.
Currency: The System Of Control
Money (gold and silver) and currency are two different things. They have the same characteristics as those mentioned above except for ONE.
Gold and silver are finite. Currencies are not.
Gold and silver cannot be printed. Currency can be printed.
It is this fundamental difference between gold/silver and currency which is ignored by the vast majority of the population. It is because of that ignorance that currency is the most effective system of control ever devised.
Please watch this short film by Charles Eisenstein, author of the book “Sacred Economics”:
Our financial system is incredibly ingenious and designed for one purpose: to control the population of the Earth. We are debt-slaves; modern-day serfs who’s life force is syphoned off by those who sit at the levers of control of the financial system.
The central banks of the world (The Federal Reserve, The European Central Bank, etc) have the capacity to print currency from nothing. This currency is then loaned to the government with a corresponding interest. The government then spends this money on public works and services and the military.
And if you watched the video you will now know that because money is always created and loaned to the government at interest there will never be enough money in circulation to pay back the debt.
Scarcity is built into the financial system. Because there will never be enough money to pay back the debt to the central bankers, humans are put into scarcity mode. We become competitors.
The system of trust which underpins all of our exchanges is corrupted. This corruption then extends outwards and pollutes every facet of our lives, because the system of currency is embedded in every part of our lives.
More References, If You’re Interested
Check out this excellent video by investor Mike Malloney, where he details the scam that is the system of currency.
Also watch this video of Robert Kiyosaki, bestselling author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, where he describes how the currency system works:
Want an academic reference? Check out “Debt: The First 5,000 Years” by David Graeber, an anthropologist who was a professor at the London School of Economics.
How Money Controls Our Lives
Every choice we make is made within a financial context. Every experience we have, we experience within a financial context.
The place we live, the people we meet, the people we marry, the clothes we wear, the entertainment we consume; all the external options which are available to us are shaped by our financial situation (until we choose otherwise, you will learn about this further ahead).
Don’t believe me?
Think about a dream you have. Now think about the reason that dream is not currently your reality.
Most likely the answer is currency.

I dream of seeing the wonders of our maginificent world first-hand, while continuously learning new skills, meeting new people and serving others.
Want to know what is currently the only thing preventing me from embarking on that dream?
I’m not complaining, I’m admitting my truth to you. I’m not frustrated, either. Frustration is an indicator, it’s there to tell us that we need to change your approach in order to succeed.
So instead of complaining or becoming frustrated, we have to learn the rules of the game. We can learn the rules of the game so we can use your human intelligence to transcend them.
We must put our thinking caps on and observe the system we’re in, so we can figure out how to beat it.
We Are Rats In A Maze
That’s what I’ve realized.
We can behave like rats, running through the maze constructed for us by the owners of the currency supply, in ignorance of the fundamental nature of the maze. Or we can come up with a map for the maze and follow it without deviation so we may arrive at freedom at the other side (sacrificing our time in exchange for security). This is what most of the middle class does. They buckle down and work hard to figure out the maze.

But the best option is learning to climb.
Then we can climb the walls of the maze and transcend it.
And then teach others how to do so (hint: you’re reading my attempt at teaching others).
I’ll admit I have not yet surmounted the walls of my maze. But I’ve been scaling them for the last few years. And I’m nearing my escape. I can feel it.
Freedom is possible. But you have to want it, badly.
How badly do you want it?
Transcending The Scarcity Maze
If the rules of the game are designed to create human beings who feel scarcity and thus endlessly compete against each other, the question becomes: How can we go about transcending the rules?
Can you come up with an answer?
I’ll tell you mine. We transcend the scarcity maze by experiencing, feeling, BEING abundant.
The rules are designed to make us feel scarcity. They are successful at their objective with the vast majority of the human population.
Just look at how many people allow the scarcity of currency they perceive to dictate their choices.
People choose to go into careers because they’re paid well, not because they like them. People buy cheap products they’d rather not buy, because they can’t afford what they really want. Intense parents fill their children’s schedules up to bursting; rather than allow the child to have free time to discover what he/she likes to do, because they want him/her to go to a prestigious university so they can get a high-paying job.
When we feel scarcity we feel fear. We’re afraid we won’t have enough for ourselves, we feel that our lives are in danger. When we are fearful we make fearful choices. Fearful choices only protect us, they do not allow us to grow.
When we play the game of life fearfully we play to not lose, we don’t play to win.
Fear keeps us in the harbor of safety.
Fear Makes Us Easy To Control
We are controlled.
We’re herded into being passive, obedient, unconscious consumers. Shriveled human beings who place safety and security over risk and adventure. This, of course, leads to boredom and frustration. Human beings evolved to seek the highest expression of their gifts. When we fail to do so we suffer.
So we numb ourselves to our suffering with substances and entertainment. Both of which the maze is more than amply supplied to provide, for a cost.
It’s a nearly perfect prison. A prison of the mind so perfectly designed and integrated into our civilization most are incapable of perceiving it, let alone acting to transcend it.
And who are the jailers? The people who control the currency supply. Those who play at god without permission. They manipulate economies, loosening and tightening the currency supply cyclically, to rob us blind while they hide behind economic jargon and procedural mumbo-jumbo.
But make no mistake, it’s all scam. And after all is said and done they still manage to convince us that WE are the problem!
And we believe them!
If you’ve read this far you see the truth these words are pointing to. You feel a chord being struck within you. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to show you the prison bars of your perception.
Now let’s start breaking them down, together.
Abundance Is The Key To The Cell
Our perception creates our reality. And our beliefs, which are mostly unconscious, create our perception. I’ve written an article about this:
The key to our cells is being in abundance; experiencing the emotions of abundance: love, gratitude and joy.
Why? Because all of our choices are based on our emotions.
When we experience the emotions of scarcity, our choices will perpetuate that scarcity. And since the maze we’re in is one of scarcity, that’s what most of us believe is reality, and thus we act to perpetuate scarcity.
But when we learn the rules of the game we can choose to transcend them.
Because we can choose our beliefs, which control our perception, which controls our choices, which control our lives. Learn more about living in abundance in these articles:
The Consequences Of Believing In Scarcity
People who believe the world is scarce have been conditioned by the maze. It’s the message which has been pumped into them not only by the currency system, but by the media and their social circles, too.
The world could be the most abundant place in existence (which it is), but as long as a person believes the world is scarce, they will only perceive scarcity.
And so they will choose scarcity every time. Through their own choices they create scarcity; scarcity of love, money and health. The reason I am still scaling the walls of the maze is because I made choices based on scarcity for many many years, like most people. My past choices got my life moving in a certain direction; but with each abundant choice I make my life moves towards greater abundance.
I’m getting closer to the top of the scarcity maze.
When a person chooses to believe the world is an abundant place, they will perceive abundance and make abundant choices every time.
So How Do We Choose Our Beliefs?
It’s very possible to choose our beliefs. I do it every day. There are two ways to choose our beliefs:
- By making choices which reinforce our beliefs
- By communicating with our subconscious minds directly
1. How Our Choices Form Our Beliefs
Every time we make a choice we reinforce what Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of “Psycho-Cybernetics”, calls the “self-image.” Our self-image is the unconscious image we have of ourselves. We all have a self-image. All of our choices serve to bring about our self-image. If we believe we are someone who is not worthy of being loved, our choices (which are mostly unconscious) will lead us to being that person.
If we believe we are worthy of abundance, our unconscious choices will direct us to abundance.
Most of our choices are unconscious. We have free will, so we have some control of our choices, but we all are in the unconscious habit of being ourselves.
And each of our choices reinforces a corresponding self-image ever so slightly. Every time a person chooses to exercise, their self-image becomes one of a person who exercises. The same applies to anyone; you can be fit or fat, if you choose to workout every day you will shape your self-image into one of a person who works out every day.
In this way behavior change is possible, choice by choice, day by day.
For Example…
Even though we may be conditioned to believe the world is scarce, we can begin to make tiny choices which build our self-image as one of abundance. For instance:
- Instead of rushing around in the morning to get to work (scarcity, competition), we can wake up earlier and have a relaxed, peaceful morning (abundance).
- Instead of always buying the cheapest food in the largest amount (scarcity), we can spend a little extra and get the best that we want (abundance).
- Instead of staying indoors over the weekend because we don’t want to spend money (scarcity), we can come up with ways to enjoy being outdoors while paying what we can afford (abundance).
- Instead of doing what you should do or feel pressured to do (scarcity), make time to do what you want to do (abundance).
Do you see how this works? Each of our choices reinforces our self-image.
When we allow our scarcity of currency to dictate the choices we make what self-image are we creating?
One that is a slave to currency!
By modifying the choices we make just a tiny bit and making them over and over again, we shape our self-image the way we want it to be.
Change doesn’t happen overnight. Also, there’s resistance (fear) which comes when we make choices which deviate from our self-image. But change does happen.
Then there’s the second way we can choose our beliefs
2. By Communicating To Our Subconscious Mind Directly
Here are some facts about the subconscious mind:
- It records everything
- It’s always alert and awake
- It controls 95% of our lives
- It’s built on habits
- It communicates through feelings and images
- It’s not logical, it’s the feeling mind
- It’s much more powerful than the conscious mind
Our conscious and unconscious minds are like an iceberg. Our conscious mind is the visible part. Our unconscious is the visible, and much larger, part the iceberg.
Since the subconscious mind communicates with us through feelings and images we can communicate back in exactly the same way. We can shape our subconscious mind to believe the world is abundant, which leads us to perceive abundance, which leads us to choose abundance.
And our choices craft our lives.
==>Click here to read about a powerful tool I regularly use to make my subconscious mind believe in abundance! <==
Are You Up To Escape The Scarcity Maze?
I hope you have found this article empowering. I believe it’s one of the most important articles I’ve ever written. It outlines exactly why it is that so many people are living in scarcity and what we can all do to transcend it and live abundant lives. I also provide a powerful tool which anyone can use to influence their subconscious mind.
If you don’t believe what is written here, I suggest you look at the world and question why it is the way it is. It’s no secret that the currency system functions in the way I described. You can read about in many reputable sources.
If you do believe the message, I invite you to apply what you’ve learned. Application of knowledge is how value is made. This article will not be of value to you until you apply the knowledge it conveys.
I also wrote this article which talks about how freedom begins in the mind:
So are you up to scaling the walls of the maze with me?
To our wealth and success.