Gratitude And Holidays – What Do We Celebrate?

To me, gratitude and holidays come hand in hand. For the past few years my perspective on what the holidays are for has shifted from one of partying and debauchery to one of gratitude and appreciation. Gratitude for what we have lived and what we have. When we take the time to relax and shift … Read more

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How To Experiment In Life – See The World Anew!

Hearing the word “experiment” probably conjures up images of lab coats, notebooks and pig brains floating in jars of stinky chemicals. But an “experiment” doesn’t have to involve those things. In fact, experimentation serves a profoundly meaningful function in life. When we experiment, another word for “trying new things”, we test out the possibilities in … Read more

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What Is Creative Fun? – The Key To Our Power

If you’ve read this past article then you know about the power of having fun to propel us to achieving our goals. At the end of that article I write about creative fun. This article will go into the details of it. What is creative fun? It’s having fun while creating! Sounds simple, right? The … Read more

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How To Follow Fun – It’s The Best Guide!

How many of us truly dedicate our days to having fun? Is it normal that as we grow older our days include less and less creative fun and more and more boring routine? Can we do anything about it? If so, why should we? This article is going to demonstrate how by following fun, we … Read more

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Why Do I Always Feel Rushed? – Hurry Sickness

If you’re a human being, living in the rich western world, reading this, now, odds are you feel it. The Rush. The Pull. The turbulent torrent of activities, things and people which yanks at your attention from the moment you open your eyes to the clamor of your alarm clock until you close them again … Read more

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Your Thoughts Become Things – Choose Wisely

Have you ever encountered the idea that “Your thoughts become things”? I hadn’t, until 2018 when I read the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. In the book, Mr. Hill writes that every thought we have immediately begins to manifest itself in our life circumstances. This applies to all thoughts, no matter how … Read more

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The Resume Race – The Market Doesn’t Care

Ah the resume race. That perpetually revolving treadmill we hitch ourselves to the moment we graduate from college, or even while still in high school. Come to think of it, according to “The Coddling of the American Mind“, childhood is now being treated by some parents as extended college prep. Extracurricular activities now take up … Read more

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How To Find Problems To Solve – The “How” To Wealth

If you want to be wealthy you have to solve problems. That’s it. That’s all it takes. It’s deceptively simple, really. But how to find problems to solve? That, dear reader, is what this article addresses. If you’re interested in learning how to become an expert “problem finder” then read on! School Teaches Us To … Read more

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Why Schools Fail Us – Teaching Conformity

Over the last few decades the public debate around schools has centered around why schools are failing. This article suggests that schools are actually not failing, they are doing exactly what they’re supposed to do, which renders the original question irrelevant. Far better questions to ask are how and why schools fail us. Because schools fail … Read more

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