How To Unblock Your Creativity

I was a blocked creative for most of my life. As a child, when I saw classmates who could draw or play the guitar I felt envious of their ability. I saw myself as an uncreative schmuck, I believed it was my lot in life to focus on technical skills rather than develop any creative … Read more

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Why Are Museums Important?

Museums are like homeless people. The bigger the city, the more there are. Why do the biggest cities in the world have so many museums? Why does our species collectively spend so much money on building and maintaining museums? Why are museums important at all? (Image by Pexels) These are some of the questions I … Read more

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How Art Evolves Consciousness

Do you ever take the time to dive into the vast trove of artistic beauty which fills our world? Do you have a particular artist who’s work really speaks to you? Who is that artist? What do they stand for? Have you ever been deeply moved by a work of art? Are you aware of … Read more

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Life Is A Mirror – What Do You See?

While I believe every article I write contains empowering information, some hold more than others. This one lies in the “super empowering” end of the empowerment spectrum. If you haven’t yet encountered the life-changing wisdom expressed in the phrase “Life is a mirror”, it is my honor and privilege to be the one to share … Read more

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Four Great Questions To Ask People

In our information-overloaded civilization, the value of answers is plummeting. The compendium of human knowledge lies a few keystrokes away. Anyone with a question can easily find an expert answer in a matter of seconds. Because of this, the value of questions is rising. School teaches us that having the right answers at the right … Read more

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What Is The Key To Freedom?

This article has been a long time coming. Most of my writing focuses on how we can cultivate ourselves to achieve every kind of freedom imaginable. I’ve written extensively on how developing our creativity, curiosity, knowledge, discipline and consistency enables us to expand our power to create a life of freedom and prosperity. This article … Read more

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